Tuesday, January 28, 2020
International Human Resource Management At Iceland Business Essay
International Human Resource Management At Iceland Business Essay Current business changes have also led to difference in viewpoint and opinion of strategists who now believe that HRM and Personnel management are two completely different scenarios where HRM is a broader concept mainly responsible for managing a large number of manpower for efficient working of the firm. On the contrary Personnel management is more inclined towards supervision and administration related to payroll and legal scenarios of labour employment. Looking at the working environment of Iceland and other food companies, the difference between personnel management and human resources is quite clear. In the sense that, Human resource management of Iceland encompasses and promotes personnel management tasks and also develops and groom the workforce for attaining maximum efficiency and improving the working of the organization. As personnel management is reactive, human resource management is proactive, involving a holistic approach to continuous development of employee skills to handle personnel related tasks and activities A major difference between the two lies in the fact that personnel management is responsible for employee satisfaction which is realized through incentives , bonuses, rewards etc whereas HRM practice in the firm works on the ground that enhanced performance of employees through challenging work, job creativity etc leads to employee satisfaction. HR Specialists Role and Responsibilities HR specialists are quite influential and have a unique role in managing the human workforce of the firm. Iceland too recognizes the importance of a HR specialist who is mainly responsible to attain and extract the maximum potential and capacity through the firms human workforce. They are involved in functions of staffing, training and development, labor relations etc. on the whole a HR strategists role can be categorized under three main heads, the strategic process, the legal aspects and the operational aspects (Carolyn W, 1992). Under strategic process, HR specialists are involved in: Strategic planning They perform the role of a consultant who advices the management in all key areas A diagnostician who identifies the various loopholes and recommends necessary action for the same innovator/change agent who implements the dynamic changes in the corporate practices of the firm A catalyst who triggers the positive areas of business A cost manager who minimizes cost and maximizes returns. Under legal process, HR specialist performs the role of: Auditor/controller who assesses the companys personnel policies and strategies A consultant who advices the company on personnel matters and issues related to employment laws and other areas A conciliator who acts as a peace maker and negotiator for resolving conflicts and issues arising between different employees and existing workforce (Carolyn W, 1992). From operational perspective, HR specialist Deals with handling daily operations such as staffing, compensation, appraisal, rewards etc Interface between employees and management regarding the framing of employee policies and procedures Coordinating and motivating employees (Carolyn W, 1992). 1.3 Line Managers are Responsible to Manage People at Work Line managers have a special role to play in managing people as they reside in the lower layers of management hierarchy and deal with people who have no obligation or any sort of managerial responsibility (Hutchinson S HYPERLINK http://www.cipd.co.uk/research/_bringpolstolife.htmHYPERLINK http://www.cipd.co.uk/research/_bringpolstolife.htm Purcell J, 2003). Line managers execute a critical role in implementing HR policies and strategies. Their role revolves around: Managing people effectively Minimizing operational costs to maximum possible extent Extending and forwarding technical advice and guidance Assigning work and allocating tasks Continuous monitoring and supervising work Detect errors and take prompt corrective actions Handling customers effectively Setting standards for measuring operational performance of the firm When it comes to managing people effectively, line managers perform vital functions such as Performance appraisal of employees Imparting training and counselling to new recruits and existing workforce Maintaining proper communication and employee involvement Maintaining work life balance etc Giving due recognition to employees (HYPERLINK http://www.cipd.co.uk/research/_bringpolstolife.htmHutchinson S HYPERLINK http://www.cipd.co.uk/research/_bringpolstolife.htmHYPERLINK http://www.cipd.co.uk/research/_bringpolstolife.htm Purcell J, 2003) Thus well managed front line managers help in leading high productive and high performing workforce. It is the organizations and senior management responsibility to promote and support capable and efficient line managers by clearly drafting their role and responsibility. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS Human Resource Planning Process in Iceland Iceland being one of the renowned frozen food chains depends a lot on the human resource department which is well managed through s systematic human resources planning process that helps in anticipating the end results of the applied business strategy in regard to the firm human resources. The HR planning also involves the need of required workforce with special skill and competencies to perform the necessary tasks and activities. The Iceland human resource planning process involves the following steps: Analyzing the already existing organizational plans Secondly to forecast the demand of the total headcounts required in the firm Then forecasting the supply, that is obtaining data about current human resource present in the market and future changes Fourthly, the net human resource requirements are finalized considering all the departments of the firm After which, the deployments, retrenchments etc are taken into consideration and future demand is planned In case future deficits are confronted, reference plans are also chalked out. Lastly, the plan to modify and adjust the organizational plan in accordance with the market changes is also taken into account. Analysis After analyzing the human resource planning process of Iceland Company, it can be deducted that the information system regarding human resources is still inadequate. The internal deficiencies are well accounted for but the external market changes are not acknowledged such as the labour market, the current trends in human resources etc are not well adapted into the human resource system. Thus, the global perspective needs to be included in the entire process for giving the procedure a holistic view. The stages involved in the planning process in Iceland consist of: 2.2 Link Between Human Resource Planning and Organization Structured Process. The human resource planning of the firm has a deep impact on the structure of the organization, the needed information and the three stages including strategic, intermediate and operational levels of the planning process in various forms which involve: Organizations work culture is affected if things are taken in a casual and unsystematic manner such as a distance is created between the key decision makers and the workforce, secondly senior management no more remains trustworthy, reduces the contribution from the workforce in terms of creativity, risk taking, new talent is reluctant to be a part of the company, the image of the company is hindered, infact the entire process is impeded. The human resource succession planning is affected which may further lead to improper promotions or demotions, team evaluation, inappropriate performance reviews leads to hindered employee development etc. The operation costs are intensely affected by human resource decisions such as high turnover cost, replacement cost, slack time , hampered motivation, restructuring of employee cost, health cost , increase in insurance costs etc Ultimately the workforce is affected which in turn has an impact on the organizations working and performance such as reduced productivity, sub standard customer service quality etc. 2.3 Interview Selection Technique Evaluation Most of the organizations depend mainly on the interview technique to select the required workforce. Iceland is also one of them where potential candidates are screened and selected by conducting various interviews at different stages of selection process. Iceland is now the only food retailer recognized among the best 25 companies of UK having more than 200 stores running in different countries. Such wide network requires huge labour that is selected after conducting various interviews such as: Preliminary interview Core interview Decision Making Interview Various levels of interviewing help the organization to extract the best talent from the market as the initial rounds help to better general interaction with the candidate and judge his suitability for the job. Many candidates who are not suitable for the organization and its work culture are eliminated right in the beginning of the process that saves a considerable amount of time and cost to the company. Selection by Invitation: one of the methods of selection could be inviting the key executives of competitors by constantly observing their performance and offering them attractive incentives and benefits. Such technique helps in saving tremendous cost and time to the company and attracting the best and experienced candidates. Leasing: Company may benefit by leasing that is employee expert and depute the employees to the needy companies on a lease basis. In regard to which the leasing company charges a reasonable amount. Such kind of activity helps the organization to utilize the resources in the best optimum manner and select candidates as and when required without much hassles. 360Ã ° Selection Programme: Involvement of subordinates, employees working at the same level of job are better in determining the skills, knowledge and performance of potential candidates as they are accustomed and tuned to the specific job environment. A 360Ã ° appraisal is the best fit between the job and the candidate and at the same time lessens the burden of the superior administrators as well. Thus the above procedure and techniques can help Iceland to put into practice a rigorous and dynamic selection process for attracting the best talent within the organization. The core interviewing is conducted for potential candidates where major emphasis lie on stress interview and probing technique as the candidates are required to deal with customers of various nature and temperament. Depth interviews are also considered where special skills of candidates are examined by judging critical answers to posed questions. Such drilling exercise helps in understanding the mental capacity of individual to handle stress and intense situations. The candidates behaviour during the interview process is a good criteria to determine his reasoning and analytical abilities. Finally the decision making or the final interview is conducted whereby the top authorities or managers examine the interest level of the candidates for the job and find about his acceptance and decide whether to select the candidate or not. Icelands interviewing process is rigorous and in-depth which eliminates the changes of wrong decisions and adding extra cost to the company. Various aspects of interviewing are taken into account which renders the entire process a structured approach. The company is able to select the best pool of talent through its own skills and capabilities. Alternative methods of selection Selection by Invitation: one of the methods of selection could be inviting the key executives of competitors by constantly observing their performance and offering them attractive incentives and benefits. Such technique helps in saving tremendous cost and time to the company and attracting the best and experienced candidates. Leasing: Company may benefit by leasing that is employee expert and depute the employees to the needy companies on a lease basis. In regard to which the leasing company charges a reasonable amount. Such kind of activity helps the organization to utilize the resources in the best optimum manner and select candidates as and when required without much hassles. 360Ã ° Selection Programme: Involvement of subordinates, employees working at the same level of job are better in determining the skills, knowledge and performance of potential candidates as they are accustomed and tuned to the specific job environment. A 360Ã ° appraisal is the best fit between the job and the candidate and at the same time lessens the burden of the superior administrators as well. Thus the above procedure and techniques can help Iceland to put into practice a rigorous and dynamic selection process for attracting the best talent within the organization. 2.4 Recruitment and Selection Process of Iceland Iceland is regarded to be one of the highest rated among the big companies to hire the best talent available and provide complete staff satisfaction like pay and benefits. The practices and procedures adopted in the selection process by the company are best taking into perspective the legal framework as well. The recruitment and selection procedures of the firm comply with the IPCCs diversity policy which includes the requirement of the following acts: The Sex Discrimination Act, 1975 The Race Relation Act, (1976, 2003) The disability Discrimination Act, 1995 The Employment Equality(Sexual Orientation) Regulation, 2003 The Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulation, 2003 (IPCC, retrieved on 17th September, 2010) All interviews are conducted by authorized panel who design competency based questions. Proper pre and post arrangements for interviews are made and decisions for appointment are based on the content, qualification, performance and the right to work norms in the UK (IPCC, retrieved on 17HYPERLINK http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=vq=cache:ZzAuwNGdp24J:www.ipcc.gov.uk/foi/agreed_recruitment_and_selection_policy-4.pdf+legal+requirements+of+selection+in+UKhlthHYPERLINK http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=vq=cache:ZzAuwNGdp24J:www.ipcc.gov.uk/foi/agreed_recruitment_and_selection_policy-4.pdf+legal+requirements+of+selection+in+UKhl September, 2010) . Proper reference and security checks and clearances are made. Iceland follows complete legal norms to select candidates, hence no major discrepancies are found in the selection procedure. PRINCIPLES AND PROCEDURES FOR MONITORING AND REWARDING EMPLOYEES 3.1 Iceland Job Evaluation Process Job evaluation is conducted in the firm in order to rank the jobs on the basis of certain duties, responsibilities and performance attached with the job. In accordance to which the pay package is designed and defined keeping the minimum and maximum limits intact. Information about every job type is retrieved through the medium of job analysis questionnaire, job descriptions, observations and interviews involving 360 Ã ° selection processes. Based on the above information, each job is rated based on evaluation factors which comprise of: Education Experience (Technical and Commercial) Problem Solving Impact Physical Effort Executive ability Analytical skills Complexity of job Iceland makes use of both the Non quantitative techniques as well the Quantitative Techniques of job evaluation such as the Ranking Methods including paired comparison, simple ranking, points rating method as well. The Equity motivational theory is applicable in Iceland also where the concerned managers should consider the balance between the input and resulting rewards taking into consideration the input factors such as loyalty, diligence, ability, skill, enthusiasm, support, patience, sincerity, trust, relation with superior etc , backed by reward or output in form of financial and no financial rewards such as wage increase, increased job responsibility, recognition, appreciation , tangible monetary benefits, job security etc (Baxamusa N B, retrieved on 17HYPERLINK http://www.buzzle.com/articles/equity-theory-of-motivation.htmlthHYPERLINK http://www.buzzle.com/articles/equity-theory-of-motivation.html September, 2010). The equity theory works best when the over recognized and benefitted employees are able to produce higher output and quality service and on the contrary the less rewarded employees tend to decrease their output when they compare themselves with other employees. It becomes the utmost responsibility of the managers to link the rewards with the performance and efficiency of the employee. For this consistent development programmes, regular meetings, and discussions can be undertaken to communicate with employees and make things more clear for better understanding and fairly link reward with performance. Such kind of evaluation process is logical and objective in nature as it helps to include the newly created job in the pre existing structure of the firm. The undesirable factors of evaluation are eliminated such as fluctuations in market rate etc and help to attain fair wage and uniformity in fixing wages for all employees. Maximum employee satisfaction is realized by maintaining wage equity and sound evaluation structure. 3.2 Reward System There are different reward systems that can be linked to the organizational compensation packages offered by Iceland to boost up the morale and productivity of employees (Stockley D. 2006)HYPERLINK http://www.google.co.in/search?hl=enq=Motivation+and+financial+and+non-. Monetary Reward System Payment for unproductive work in form of Hours of work Paid holidays Paid vacations Security of employees Retrenchment compensation Lay off Compensation Safety and Health Workmens Compensation Health Benefits Welfare Recreational Facilities Canteen Benefit Housing Benefit Legal Aid Holiday Homes Educational Benefit Transportation benefit Old Age and Retirement Benefits Provident Fund Insurance Gratuity Medical benefits Non Monetary Reward Treats Free Meals Festival bashes Dinners Knick Knacks Accessories Planners Recognition Letters of appreciation Plaques Social Acknowledgement Informal Recognition Solicitation of advice Memberships On the Job Benefit Enhanced responsibility Job rotation Training Special tasks All the above rewards in some form or the other have a deep impact on the performance of employees as: Positive Impact Employees are motivated to work to the best of their potential Build self esteem and confidence Increased loyalty Easy acceptance to change Close bondage between company and self Negative Impact Demotivational impact on employees under conditions of biasness Short sightedness Unhealthy competition 3.3 Motivation Theory and Icelands Reward System Icelands reward system could be directly linked to the Adams Equity Theory of Motivation which believes that the factors of motivation can affect the performance of employees and their relationship with the employer as well (Baxamusa N B, retrieved on 17HYPERLINK http://www.buzzle.com/articles/equity-theory-of-motivation.htmlthHYPERLINK http://www.buzzle.com/articles/equity-theory-of-motivation.html September, 2010). The theory is based on the belief that if the employees inputs are more in comparison to the benefits or rewards derived, it can lead to employee dissatisfaction and reduced productivity. The Equity motivational theory is applicable in Iceland also where the concerned managers should consider the balance between the input and resulting rewards taking into consideration the input factors such as loyalty, diligence, ability, skill, enthusiasm, support, patience, sincerity, trust, relation with superior etc , backed by reward or output in form of financial and no financial rewards such as wage increase, increased job responsibility, recognition, appreciation , tangible monetary benefits, job security etc (Baxamusa N B, retrieved on 17HYPERLINK http://www.buzzle.com/articles/equity-theory-of-motivation.htmlthHYPERLINK http://www.buzzle.com/articles/equity-theory-of-motivation.html September, 2010). The equity theory works best when the over recognized and benefitted employees are able to produce higher output and quality service and on the contrary the less rewarded employees tend to decrease their output when they compare themselves with other employees. It becomes the utmost responsibility of the managers to link the rewards with the performance and efficiency of the employee. For this consistent development programmes, regular meetings, and discussions can be undertaken to communicate with employees and make things more clear for better understanding and fairly link reward with performance. 3.4 Iceland Monitoring Strategy Iceland has a well planned strategy to monitor the performance of employees that includes: Reviewing work of employees on a consistent basis Regularly observing the activities of employees and guiding them when require Preparing charts, records and using techniques for measuring performance Encouraging self reporting by employees Timely redressal of complaints and issues for uninterrupted performance The latest methods of performance monitoring are adopted by the company such as the Balanced Scorecard method that involves a holistic approach of monitoring by taking into various perspectives such as customer perspective, financial perspective, training and development perspective and innovative aspect as well. After defining the various factors on which the performance is analyzed such as efficiency, growth, training, development, productivity, behaviour, relations, creativity and innovation at work etc, methods such as Gantt chart is prepared this is a pictorial description of employees performance. Thus, a comprehensive performance analysis is conducted by Iceland which helps to depict a fair view of efforts put in by candidates. The Equity motivational theory is applicable in Iceland also where the concerned managers should consider the balance between the input and resulting rewards taking into consideration the input factors such as loyalty, diligence, ability, skill, enthusiasm, support, patience, sincerity, trust, relation with superior etc , backed by reward or output in form of financial and no financial rewards such as wage increase, increased job responsibility, recognition, appreciation , tangible monetary benefits, job security etc (Baxamusa N B, retrieved on 17HYPERLINK http://www.buzzle.com/articles/equity-theory-of-motivation.htmlthHYPERLINK http://www.buzzle.com/articles/equity-theory-of-motivation.html September, 2010). The equity theory works best when the over recognized and benefitted employees are able to produce higher output and quality service and on the contrary the less rewarded employees tend to decrease their output when they compare themselves with other employees. It becomes the utmost responsibility of the managers to link the rewards with the performance and efficiency of the employee. For this consistent development programmes, regular meetings, and discussions can be undertaken to communicate with employees and make things more clear for better understanding and fairly link reward with performance. The Equity motivational theory is applicable in Iceland also where the concerned managers should consider the balance between the input and resulting rewards taking into consideration the input factors such as loyalty, diligence, ability, skill, enthusiasm, support, patience, sincerity, trust, relation with superior etc , backed by reward or output in form of financial and no financial rewards such as wage increase, increased job responsibility, recognition, appreciation , tangible monetary benefits, job security etc (Baxamusa N B, retrieved on 17HYPERLINK http://www.buzzle.com/articles/equity-theory-of-motivation.htmlthHYPERLINK http://www.buzzle.com/articles/equity-theory-of-motivation.html September, 2010). The equity theory works best when the over recognized and benefitted employees are able to produce higher output and quality service and on the contrary the less rewarded employees tend to decrease their output when they compare themselves with other employees. It becomes the utmost responsibility of the managers to link the rewards with the performance and efficiency of the employee. For this consistent development programmes, regular meetings, and discussions can be undertaken to communicate with employees and make things more clear for better understanding and fairly link reward with performance. 4. EXIT FROM THE ORGANIZATION 4.1 Employee exit procedure in Iceland On the contrary, when the exit procedure of Iceland was compared with ASDA it was found that the above procedure was quite similar to ASDA, however ASDA adopts an in-depth interview procedure with extra steps such as analysis of exit interview, reasons for absenteeism, Work Interview, analysis of labour turnover, comprehensive Exit Interview Data analysis judging the company benefits provided etc Analysis The organizations have drafted suitable exit procedures in order to determine the reasons for employee exits, yet they cant be termed as best. They are scope for improvement and modification as little emphasis is laid on the employee background and his contribution towards the organization. A fair view can be extracted only when organizational inputs and employee outputs are compared. Thus while studying about the exit analysis, managers should also emphasize on the employee relations with the firm and subordinates. On the whole, the procedure adopted is satisfactory and solves the purpose for the same. Employee Redundancy Redundancy is a situation when the organization , Iceland for this case decides to dismiss an employee on the basis of ceased business or intended to cease the area of business where the concerned dismiss employee was employed. For the redundancy to actually be called legal, it is necessary that the employee under question must completely vanish. If the organization declares any candidate redundant, it is liable to pay the necessary statutory payment in regard to it. Iceland has adopted certain criterias for declaring an employee redundant, they are: Dismissal cant be on grounds of individual capability but organizational circumstances When certain specific designations are no longer required in the company along with reasons for decease or reduction in business process In the course of a business slow down When a specific business line is altogether eliminated from the organizations business portfolio If the employees who are to be redundant are more than twenty, then the matter is to be put forward for consultation with the employees representative before making a final decision Reasons for selecting few employees from the group for redundancy The selection criteria is not based on any unfair means such as race, age, sex or any disability Conclusion Iceland has been able to formulate a systematic and well organized human resource management policy and strategy in the organization, keeping into consideration all the details right from human resource planning to redundancy. Their recruitment and selection criteria are as per the norms of the UK government and in accordance with the legal requirements as well. The company aims to impart maximum employee satisfaction in all respects.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Effects of Divorce Essay -- essays research papers
à à à à à As both premarital sex and divorce within the United States becomes both more popular and more acceptable, the problem of having two divorce mongering parent whom have already had children together increases as well. Its one thing to get married and divorce someone as you find that youââ¬â¢ve rushed things too quickly and donââ¬â¢t truly love a person, even though it might be wrong. But if children have already commenced between the two parties in question there is more to it than simple personal moral values. The well-being of the children must be accounted for and thus things should be thought through and one must tread lightly so as not to damage the developing butterflies. Children in most cases, as there are always exceptions to every rule, need two parents of total normalcy to develop unharmed by instability, lack of trust, and with good rolemodels for love and the necessity to stay with a partner rather than cycle through them once one gets boring. H owever children may also find themselves harmed by constant bickering, which they often blame themselves for, and domestic abuse is a large problem that can hurt a child both physically and mentally. As for The Good Book, its stance is clear: Marriage is absolute and final, although again there are extreme exceptions to every rule. à à à à à The necessity for a child to have two parents, one of each gender accordingly, is a need that is becoming, alarmingly, more and more overlook...
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Kinesthetic learning Essay
Kinesthetic learning is also known as tactile learning. People with a preference for kinesthetic learning are also commonly known as ââ¬Å"do-ersâ⬠. Tactile/kinesthetic learners make up about five percent of the population. Auditory learners Reading- or writing-preference learners Kinesthetic learners Contents 1 History 2 Characteristics 3 Classification 4 Lack of evidence 5 References 6 External links History Kinesthetic intelligence was originally coupled with tactile abilities, and was defined and discussed in Howard Gardnerââ¬â¢s Frames Of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. In his book, Gardner describes activities (such as dancing and performing surgery) as requiring great kinesthetic intelligence: using the body to create (or do) something. Margaret Hââ¬â¢Doubler wrote and spoke about kinesthetic learning during the 1940s, defining kinesthetic learning as the human bodyââ¬â¢s ability to express itself through movement and dance. Characteristics Question book-new.svg This section does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (October 2010) According to the theory of learning styles, students who have a predominantly kinesthetic style are thought to be discovery learners: they have realisation through doing, rather than thinking before initiating action. They may struggle to learn by reading or listening. When learning, it helps for these students to move around; this increases the studentsââ¬â¢ understanding, with learners generally getting better marks in exams when they can do so. Kinesthetic learners usually succeed in activities such as chemistry experiments, sporting activities, art and acting; It is common for kinesthetic learners to focus on two different things at the same time, remembering things in relation to what they were doing. They possess good eyeââ¬âhand coordination. In kinesthetic learning, learning occurs by the learner using their body to express a thought, an idea or a concept (in any field). In an elementary classroom setting, these students may stand out because of their need to move; their high energy levels may cause them to be agitated, restless or impatient. Kinesthetic learnersââ¬â¢ short- and long-term memories are strengthened by their use of movement. Classification Rita Dunn contends that kinesthetic and tactile learning are the same style.[3] Galeet BenZion asserts that kinesthetic and tactile learning are separate learning styles, with different characteristics. She defined kinesthetic learning as the process that results in new knowledge (or understanding) with the involvement of the learnerââ¬â¢s body movement. This movement is performed to establish new (or extending existing) knowledge. Kinesthetic learning at its best, BenZion found, is established when the learner uses language (their own words) in order to define, explain, resolve and sort out how his or her bodyââ¬â¢s movement reflects the concept explored. One example is a student using movement to find out the sum of 1/2 plus 3/4 via movement, then explaining how their motions in space reflect theà mathematical process leading to the correct answer. Lack of evidence Although the concept of learning styles is popular among educators in some countries (and children and adults express preferences for particular modes of learning), there is no evidence that identifying a studentââ¬â¢s learning style produces better outcomes; on the contrary, there is substantial evidence that the meshing hypothesis (that a student will learn best if taught in a method deemed appropriate for the studentââ¬â¢s learning style) is invalid. Well-designed studies ââ¬Å"flatly contradict the popular meshing hypothesisâ⬠. Proponents state that the evidence related to kinesthetic learners benefiting from specialized instruction (or targeted materials) appears mixed at best; the diagnosis of kinesthetic and tactile learning is coupled (rather than isolated), and teachers are likely to misdiagnose studentsââ¬â¢ learning styles. On the other hand, studies do show that mixed-modality presentations (for instance, using auditory and visual techniques) improve results in a variety of subjects. Instruction that stimulates more than auditory learning (for example, kinesthetic learning) is more likely to enhance learning in a heterogeneous student population.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Vanity Of People A Beautiful Young Nymph - 897 Words
The vanity of people; particularly women, has been both ogled and criticized for centuries. Both Swiftââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"A Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bedâ⬠and Keatsââ¬â¢ ââ¬Å"To A Lady Seen For A Few Moments At Vauxhallâ⬠utilize women s beauty as their focus. Each has a distinct tone and view of their subjects which is emphasized by the usage of language chosen by the poets. Swiftââ¬â¢s repulsively worded mock heroic couplet differentiates itself from Keats soft sonnet. Despite both works sharing an alternating rhyme scheme, they create very dissimilar atmospheres. Swift s short but graphic lines compliment the harsh critique of the living condition of prostitutes in London to dismantle the illusion of what image is presented in public versus private, but Keats slow reminiscing emanates a melancholic image as he remembers his muse and broods on the passage of time. ââ¬Å"A Beautiful Young Nymphâ⬠criticizes the reality of the artificialness of beauty and t he society that requires it in a comical fashion, while ââ¬Å"A Lady Seenâ⬠prefers to remain in blissful ignorance and simply recounts the fond memories it brings the speaker of the poem in a more serious and personal manner. The humorous grossness of the flesh versus the fondness it brings. Vocabulary of a poem greatly impacts the tone and intentions the poet wants to express. Irony and mock verse is utilized by swift to assert his feelings of revulsion on certain aspects of the world. Swift was one of the many writers who championed the artShow MoreRelatedHow Does One Define Progress?1738 Words à |à 7 Pagesbeings, but our society has overused the word so much that its definition has fallen into obscurity. Some define it as the pursuit of wellbeing; others imply that it is simply a manner through which one can quantify oneââ¬â¢s priorities in life. To many people in the 18th century, progress took on this same notion of improvement and advancement. However, sat irist writers Jonathan Swift (1667 ââ¬â 1745), Alexander Pope (1688 ââ¬â 1744), and William Hogarth (1697 ââ¬â 1764) undermined the notion of progress in theirRead MoreNarcissistic Identity Identify With Conduct On Facebook1352 Words à |à 6 Pagesgroup a more positive view of how social media might be. However, studies have linked social media use in young adults to various selfish behaviors in the development of taking photos of themselves and sharing photos on popular social media platforms. 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